Correction : on 2023/07/23Visibility : Public

Advanced analysis

  • In a cross-analysis, when using a date in Y with the "Year" function, the year was displayed in an hour format in the grid. The year is displayed correctly again.

Automated processes

  • An error would occur during the execution of an automated process when a condition on opening or clicking a link in a previously sent email was present.

Duplicate merge

  • Merging duplicates no longer gives errors when at least one of the clients has a consent date for sensitive data.

Export and merge

  • When exporting to MS Word, the "Exportation and merge" functionality did not work when the fields in the "Additional information" section of the third party were not active in the system preferences. The error had now been corrected and the functionality is working again.


  • The default group was not automatically selected when adding a value for a characteristic in grid mode. Now it is.

Mass mailing

  • When sending a mass mailing, an error would occur if an email address not associated with a client in the database was added to the communication history. Now, nothing is added to the communication history if the email address is not associated with a client.
Minor version : 5.0.14Released on 2023/09/18Visibility : Public
New Features


  • An option for documenting consent to conditions and policy has been added to the client file.


  • Consent is now required to save donors' personal and sensitive data on forms.

Master documents

  • It is now possible to save a copy of the document in PDF format in the folder and send it by email.

Web Forms

  • HTML editor added to backoffice label management for terms of use, privacy policy and contact us.

Automated processes

  • When validating before starting an automated process, messages indicating an error now display the text of the action in error to facilitate corrections. In addition, the text of the action in error is now displayed in red.
  • Addition of an option in automated processes in the email sending steps to confirm that email drafting is complete.
  • Filters created for use in automated processes are hidden in the various management functions so as not to confuse them with filters used on a regular basis.
  • Added "Between ? and ?" operation for field filters.
  • Mailing history can now be set to "Email" type steps.


  • Added an option in the IMakeAnOnlineDonation configuration to activate consent for cookies.

Instant Payments

  • Multiple users can no longer sent instant payments at the same time.

P2P campaigns

  • The consent label in the logizone login window is different when logging in from the platform.


  • Legal form and company number (SIREN) are no longer mandatory for corporate receipts in France. However, a warning will be displayed indicating that it is recommended to document them.

Web Forms

  • Added new merge field ([Form_Hyperlink=Click here to open the form]) to unfinished email.

Automated processes

  • When adding an automated process in the wizard, the organization selection step was visible even if there was only one organization in the key.
  • The value entered in "Box width" is now saved and applied each time the diagram is displayed.
  • When selecting a distribution list template to use when adding an automated process, clicking on "Cancel selection" would add the automated process without a distribution list, preventing certain functions from working. Clicking on "Cancel selection" now cancels the addition of the automated process.


  • There was an error when inserting emails sent by IMakeAnOnlineDonation in the communication history.

Mass mailing

  • The summaries did not include the commitment amount even though the summaries were configured correctly.

Receipt importations

  • An error occured when importing receipts that did not contain the TrxDateDonation import field.


  • When replacing a receipt, the taxation date of the old receipt was used in the taxation date field of the new receipt. Now, the transaction date field is used to fill the taxation date field on the new receipt.
  • The amount was not displayed on the donation-in-kind receipts for individuals. This situation has now been rectified. It is now displayed above the description of the item, as on corporate receipts.