Correction : on 2023/04/25Visibility : Beta

Automated processes

  • In the search for automated processes, the value for the Yes/No column search displays a drop-down list with the values Checked and Unchecked.
  • In the search for automated processes, date functions (ap, ac, as, mp, mc, ms, etc.) have been added.

E-mail Blast

  • An item is now added to the communications history each time an email blast is sent.
  • You can configure an occasion, an activity, a canvasser, a suggested amount and a response for the mailing in the same way as for mass mailing.


  • The history of mailings, the history of mailing statistics (email blast) and the history of email mailings (web services such as IMakeAnOnlineDonation and IRegisterNow) have been merged into a single history now called "Communication history".

Automated processes

  • When adding an automated process, if the "Apply filter on client language when sending email for automated processes" preference was active and the English model was selected for the mailing list, the language was not adjusted in the automated process.
  • There was an error when saving an automated process when the text of a "Send email" action was longer than 50 characters. It is now no longer possible to exceed the maximum length.
  • When adding an automated process from a management, other than the management of automated processes, a process name is now requested rather than a filter name.
  • There was an error when an automated process was duplicated.
  • When applying a filter to a field, the list of fields displayed all available fields without taking into account the system preferences that allow the client to choose to display only certain fields.
Minor version : 5.0.13Released on 2023/02/28Visibility : Beta
New Features

Commitment importations

  • Commitment import allows you to import instant payment tokens.


  • New automated emails functionality

P2P campaigns

  • It is now possible to choose a unit of measurement other than money for the thermometers. (km/actions/time)

Web Forms

  • Bring back the # JDEL into P2P


  • The "Numerical value" field is now available in the characteristic grids. It will contain a value only if the characteristic is of numeric type. The "Text value", Date/time value", Yes/no value", ID choice list value", "Long text value", "File value" and "Unicode text value" fields have also been added and will work in the same way.

Duplicate criteria

  • The duplicate criteria window has been simplified.

Duplicate merge

  • When merging duplicates, if you archive or delete an email that is subscribed to a mailing list, the email will be unsubscribed from this list if it is not active in another customer file.

Filters and views

  • You can modify a filter without first selecting it.

P2P campaigns

  • The button to invite a friend to participate in my challenge is now available if you are connected to a challenge participant.
  • The button to invite a friend to encourage my challenge is now available if you are connected to a challenge participant.
  • Activities can be translated.
  • DKIM email signing has been added as an option in the basic settings.

Web Forms

  • In P2P, in the backoffice, make it possible to delete rather than ban/suspend participants, teams or challenges.


  • Corrected a delay expiration when duplicating an activity that contains always present characteristics and then uncheck them before saving.

Automated email maillings history

  • The wrong transaction was displayed when viewing from the automated email history.

Client importations

  • In a Prodon with multiple organizations, if client visibility levels were active in the system preferences, they were ignored in the import module. This problem has now been solved, and the import module no longer detects duplicates with clients that the current organization cannot see.


  • In the IMOD email history, it is no longer allowed to open the transaction of an email if there is already an open transaction.

Instant Payments

  • There was an issue when manually modifying a donnor's country in the payment token window.

P2P campaigns

  • In the window for editing a page in the backoffice, the confirmation button for the confirmation window of the publish button is "Publish".
  • In the window for editing a page in the backoffice, the title of the confirmation window for the publish button is "Publish".

Web Forms

  • Minimum receipt calculated on the total amount, not on the eligible amount portion.