Correction : on 2023/01/10Visibility : Public

Web Forms

  • Reduced the number of times some warnings are shown.
  • When importing from web forms, duplicate importation will raise an error instead of a warning.


  • When entering a numerical characteristic with a format, the value was not properly formated if the value was saved by using the "return" key.
  • The start date of the characteristics is now properly imported.


  • When the occasion of a transaction is changed, the "linked" clients are now emptyied.

Custom reports

  • Inactive fields are now hidden in the custom fields tool.

Instant Payments

  • Removed a useless warning when sending instant Paysafe V2 transactions.


  • Added a warning if the thank-you signature is unusable when delivering receipts.

Recognition program

  • The recognition maillings in the recognition program history now works as intended.
  • When generation a recognition program, it was possible for a client to not be in the appropriate level if the level used multiple criteria.


  • Corrected an issue when adding an address to a client while creating a transaction.

Web Forms

  • In the IMOD history, the contact is now properly stored.
  • Payment methods are now properly duplicated.
  • When importing participants, if the activty use more than 1 participants per unit and the donnor doesn't fill the participants fields in the web forms, we now create the proper amount of participants.


  • Corrected an issue with the receipt link when the ereceipt was configured in another language than the current language.
Correction : on 2022/10/11Visibility : Public

Recognition program

  • The option "Show transaction informations for new level" is now "Show transaction informations for new level (doesn't account for commitments)".


  • When adding a timesheet with keyboard shortcuts a save request is prompted.


  • It is now possible to choose a template when adding an element.

Web Forms

  • The conversion label was renamed "Conversion ID" et it's lenght is now 50 characters.

Bank Rejects

  • When importing bank rejects, we now import all of them.


  • The button "Send an email to this client" now has a proper message body.

Electronic exportation

  • It is no longer allowed to choose wire transfert payment method linked to an "other" electronic payment type.

Instant Payments

  • It is now allowed to refund an instant transaction awainting response.
  • Non configured instant payments are no longer visible in commitments.


  • The commitment summaries in a maillings are now properly calculated.


  • Corrected a conflict betwwen massive changes on the occasion or activity and the receipt amount.

Web App

  • Dates and amounts are now properly displayed in widgets.

Web Forms

  • Email templates are now properly duplicated when duplicating a web form.
  • Corrected an issue when importing a multiple choice question.
  • Removed an error message when deleting a commitment frequency.
Correction : on 2022/08/01Visibility : Public


  • In the batch receipt window, the tab "Pending emails" is renamed "Sent emails".


  • In the news section, links now open in the default browser.


  • In the LogiZone, the "online donation" section is renamed "Transaction History".
  • In the Logizone, the "online registration" section is renamed "Registration History".


  • In the task window, a new button allows you to open a search box to choose a task type.


  • Added client characteristics in the timesheets history.


  • Added the last modification date in the warnings window.

Web App

  • Changed the name of the web app in french only.

Web Forms

  • Removed the option to pay for the fees for commitments.
  • When creating a new web form, the default visibility value for the cell phone and work phone will be "Show" instead of "Available".


  • Improved performance when multiple users lauch the planned adresse change feature simultaneously.

Advanced analysis

  • The characteristics format is now properly displayed in the analysis grids.

Client importations

  • When searching for duplicates, the field "Is a company" is only taken in consideration if there ways to understand it's value based on the other fields imported.
  • When manually selecting a duplicate client, the operation changes to "M".

Commitment importations

  • It is now possible to import a payment reference for "Planned" type commitments.


  • Corrected an issue when generating transactions for a commitment with an installment without an amount.

Cross analysis

  • The display order is now in chronological order for date columns even if the date starts with the day or month.
  • Corrected an issue in the analysis grid that were using fields that were not part of the selected view.

Custom reports

  • Removed some inactive fields in the possible fields in the custom reports.
  • When exporting a custom report to Excel, the proper custom text is now used.
  • Corrected a display issue with the "total" in custom reports.

Customized lists

  • Modifying a customized lists that uses the "Include installments for the chosen dates" commitment option no longer resets to "Do not include commitments" on open.
  • When adding relations to a customized list of relations from the transaction history, clients without a main contact are now added.

Export and merge

  • Corrected an issue when exporting to Microsoft Word from the "Clients / tasks" tab of the client management.
  • Improved performance for the function "Export clients and transaction history".
  • Corrected an error when creating a Word document with the "export and merge" function.

Filters and views

  • In the filter tool, under the "Special filter" section on characteristics. The option "Other" now display the proper opérations options.


  • It is now possible to place the text template management in the shortcut bar.

GL account

  • Corrected an issue when deleting a GL account group.
  • It is now allowed to delete a GL account.


  • When importing a relation, the default address of the contact is now properly defined.

Instant Payments

  • Optimizations for the V1 API for the instantaneous payments.
  • Corrected an issue with the Paysafe V2 API where direct debit payment were debited twice.


  • The column "ID occasion" is now "Occa. ID.".
  • The column "Occa. ID" is now "Occa. Desc.".

Mass mailing

  • The mass mailing window now shows the Windows default printer even if the user has previously removed it.

Means of communication

  • When a means of communication is deleted while being the prefered means, the new means of communication that replaces it also becomes the default for its type.


  • Corrected the printer selection when printing receipt without showing them on screen.

Recognition program

  • The filters on recognition level now properly find only the client of the appropriate level.
  • When generating a recognition program, the level amount is updated even if the client doesn't change level.
  • The elements of the "Recognition program" module are no longuer visible if the module is not active.


  • Display correction for small size windows.


  • The report "List of occasions and activities" now works properly again.
  • In the report "List of occasions and activities" if the option "Show GL accounts per client type" is checked, they will be presented in two columns.
  • The totals for the 2nd to 7th period are now properly shown on the "Commitment summary" report.
  • The report "List of users and their accesses" now longer displays the user "SUPERVISOR".
  • Corrected an issue with remote desktop printers that change name every connection.
  • Corrected an issue with the "Relations list" report.


  • Corrected an issue with calculation in summary with only commitments options.


  • In a task description, changes to the Font are now better respected.
  • Reduced the line spacing in the task description.
  • The function to remove empty lines in a description now considers the selection.


  • The current user session is now correctly cleaned at the beginning of a software update.


  • The remaining days before password expiry warning now displays the proper number of remaining days.
  • It is possible to change the password after creating a user with the "save and add" feature.

Web App

  • Corrected an issue with the column "Receipt E-mail" on online app.

Web Forms

  • It is now allowed to include a dash in web form code.
  • When using the function to prefill a web form from a client file, the address bloc will now use the free form version if the street name is before the steet type and also contains a cardinal point.
  • Corrected an issue when importing Payline payments with Paypal (Europe).
  • Corrected an issue when saving an activity group.
  • Corrected an issue when modifying an import line for a web form.
  • Centered the text on a suggested amount button even if it's displayed on multiple lines.
  • It is now possible to activate the administrative fee option on a form that was duplicated from a form that didn't have the option.
  • The check box "Use web receipt for instantaneous payments" no longer unchecks by itselfs.
  • Corrected an issue when loading data for an import with two comments fields but only one of them contains data.
  • Corrected an issue when deleting a web form.
  • Payment notes are now duplicated when duplicating a web form.
Correction : on 2022/02/07Visibility : Public
New Features

E-mail Blast

  • The "drag and drop" editor is now the default editor for all e-mail blasts.


  • Removed duplicate columns in the commitments analysis and history.


  • The error message when importing the contact of a canvasser without a relation type is now properly displayed.


  • Corrected an issue that prevented a cancelled receipt to be re-delivered.


  • The start and end date are now saved in the Donation Occasion Results report.
  • Corrected a display issue in the "List of items" report.


  • The update process no longer breaks the password when there are no user management (single password for the app).
  • When adding a new user, the accesses are correctly attributed according to the group, no matter what the order by is on.


  • When generating commitment transactions, the value of the transction is no longer entirely attributed to the benefit value.
  • Removed duplicate columns in the transaction analysis and history.


  • The current user session is now correctly cleaned at the beginning of a software update.

Web Forms

  • Corrected an issue wihen rounding up a receipt value on IMakeAnOnlineDonnation.
Correction : on 2022/01/19Visibility : Public

Duplicate merge

  • When creating a duplicate list, there is a new option to allow looking for duplicate in the whole database, but only for the filtered clients.


  • A button now allows you to open a task document folder from the tasks management window.

Web App

  • Added a "comment" shortcut for users to provide feedback.
  • Changed the shortcut from the task reference to open the client file instead of the reference edit.

Web Forms

  • In the homepage configuration, it is now possible to access importation options (clients, relations, transactions, commitments).
  • Added an option to "Hide the phone type" in the advanced options.
  • Added an option to "Hide the Logizone" in the advanced options.

Bank Rejects

  • Corrected an issue with the "Send back the transactions and replace the tokens" functions in the bank rejects.

Debit Mandate

  • Corrected an issue with the SEPA token in the transactions and commitments.

Instant Payments

  • Corrected an issue where checking the status of an instantenous payment in the future with the Paysafe API would return a wrong status.
  • The warning about there been more than 500 transactions to update no longer takes into consideration cancelled transactions.
  • Corrected an issue when an online donation used both an instantenous payment and an offline payment methods at the same time.

Questions group

  • Corrected an issue when editing a question with a dropdown list and no active values.


  • Corrected an issue when generating the receipts while transfering a transaction batch.


  • Added the subtitle to some reports that were missing it.
  • Brought back the taxes on the report "Summary by GL accounts (with taxes)".


  • Corrected an issue when selecting a linked client 1 in a transaction.

Web App

  • Corrected an issue when using the operation "Or" in a saved filter.

Web Forms

  • Corrected an issue when updating the homepage and more than one organization had an active IMakeAnOnlineDonation homepage.
  • Corrected an issue when sending back a confirmation email.
  • Removed the ability to paste invalid characters in the "Code" field of a web forms.
Minor version : 5.0.9Released on 2021/11/22Visibility : Public
New Features

Web Forms

  • It is now possible to ask the donor to pay for the transactions fees in a web form.

Duplicate merge

  • Added a button to reset default settings for the duplicate criterion.

E-mail Blast

  • It is now allowed to change the mailling list of a temporary e-mail blast.


  • Removed an irrevelant error message when importing canvassers.


  • When switching organization, the web form importation window will be closed if it is open.


  • It is now possible to use summaries in the custom reports of the prospection history.

Web App

  • Added a shortcut to open tasks from a client file.
  • It is now possible to choose and order by in the cross analysis widget of the dashboard.
  • When duplicating a User preferences we are now able to copy the dashboard and the visual preferences of the online app.
  • New default dashboard for new users of the the Wep app.
  • The default mode for the quick filter buttons is now on multiple selection.
  • Non-empty columns are no longer hidden in the search bar.

Web Forms

  • New warnings that identify situations where addresses format from IMakeAnOnlineDonnation will not be formated according to the settings preferences.
  • The title is no longer required in the Logizone.
  • The title is no longer required in the web forms.


  • Corrected an issue where views and filter could be hidden.
  • The buttons displayed on open of the client management now considers the default tab confgiuration.

Commitment importations

  • It is now allowed to import planed type commitments without an occasion code.


  • Corrected an issue when opening the default value for commitment window.

Filters and views

  • When filtering with the operation "Is in the list", if multiple values were invalid, there was multiple error messages. From now on, there will be only one message with the first invalid value.
  • Corrected an issue where it was impossible to type a search in a "contains" operation in a filter.


  • Importation fields that are not compatible with your modules are no longer available.


  • Corrected an issue when searching for duplicate clients that could ignore certain criteria.

Questions group

  • Removed the ability to change the location of a characteristic if it is used in a questions group.

Receipts thank-yous

  • When adding a master document from a thank-you configuration, the document type is now "Thank you for eReceipts".

Task importation

  • Corrected an issue when importing a task with a description.


  • Corrected an issue when selecting a linked client 1 in a transaction.


  • Corrected an issue where the means of communication were no longer visible in the client management "Directory" tab.

Web App

  • Corrected an issue with wrong calculation in the totals for the widgets.
  • Clicking on a characteristic in a client file now opens it in read only.
  • Corrected an issue when navigating between clients.
  • Prefered means of contact are now clickable directly from the grid.
  • Removed the "Calculation" option from widgets that cannot perform calculation.

Web Forms

  • Changed the trigger of a warning that could have it be shown while irrelevant.